Coupon Redemption | ![]() Copyright © 2000, William Weiland |
Overview Manage coupon addition and redemption functions within a Miva Merchant 2.2x, 3.x or 4.x storefront with this plugin module. |
Initial Setup Use the Merchant admin upload feature to upload the modules and (couponrd.mvc and cim_coup.mvc with compiled versions). Also, with the compiled version, upload the cim_log.mvc. As each are uploaded, click the Add button to add them to the mall/domain. In the compiled version are two optional modules (coupimpt.mvc and couponrp.mvc) which are discussed under coupon import and coupon reports below. In admin, under your store, click on the link for the System Extension Configuration screen. Assign the CIM Coupon Extension module and Update it to install it in your store. In compiled Merchant admin, click on the link for Logging Configuration screen. Assign the CIM Activity Log (if it is not already assigned - it is used by many of our modules so you may already have it) to the store. In admin, under your store, click on the link for the Fulfillment Configuration screen. Assign the Coupon Redemption module and Update it to install it in your store. Click the link for Coupon Redemption to enter the configuration settings and add coupons. |
Configuration Settings An unlimited number of coupons can be assigned to the store and each identified with a coupon code. Once you have added the module to the store, you can add coupons in the Order Fulfillment section of the admin interface. When you select the Add icon, you will have several input fields to fill in. Coupon ID Expiration Date Redemption Value In the compiled version of the coupon module you can assign a coupon to
remove the shipping charge. It has no specific value (using .01 for the
value is fine) as it will eliminate the shipping charge no matter how much
it is. To use this option, put the letter "S" (upper case) in the separate
field to the right of the redemption value (the same input you would have
used for the % option). Beginning with coupon module version 4.56, you can
also use the letter "P" for free shipping AND a percentage discount or the
letter "F" for free shipping AND a flat value off. The discount is
calculated the same as leaving the field blank (for the F) or entering a
% (for the P). The letters P and F cannot be used if you offer Google checkout
in your store. Beginning with coupon module version 4.81 you can redeem coupons
in conjunction with the Google checkout module for Miva Merchant 4.14-4.24. You
can have fixed (input blank), or percentage off (input %), and free shipping
(input S). Note if you use the free shipping coupon it will make whatever shipping
method the customer selects free.
Minimum Order Reduce Tax Coupon Usage Product Code Specificity Location Restriction Instant Coupons (Merchant version 4.14+) Deleting Expired Coupons |
Editing Requirements (skip if using the OpenUI) If you are using the Miva Merchant User Interface (mmui) you will need to make some very simple edits to the core files. Be sure to do that with a text editor (NO WYSIWYG editors) such as Programmer's File Editor (PFE) so as not to damage the mv files. ALWAYS BACKUP your unmodified mv files in case you make a mistake. 1) In the file MMUI_Order_ShippingPaymentSelection function add
the following code just above the last table tag in the function. That
last table contains the Continue submit button. 2) In the file MMUI_Order_Payment function add the following just
above the last table tag (same as you did in the previous instruction)(third
from the last table tag in 4.12+ - the one containing buttondraw for continue). 3) If you are using compiled Merchant (4.14 and newer) you can have
instant coupons on the product page. In the file MMUI_ProductDisplay
function, add the following just above the the table row for the quantity
and add to basket button. Note: If you are using Merchant 4.14 or newer, the file name in the inserted code is couponrd.mvc. Also, after editing the, you will need to re-compile it to create the mmui.mvc. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you use the OpenUI to avoid the editing requirements. |
Merchant Version 2.22-2.24 Special Note This module can be used in both Merchant version 3.x and 2.2x. However, there is a serious, fatal error bug in one of the Miva Corp supplied core files in versions 2.22, 2.23, and 2.24. Hence, in order to use this module in those versions of Merchant, you will need to edit the file. Be sure you make a backup of this file in case you make an error. In the file, locate the function BasketCharge_DeleteAll_Module. The MvWHILE loop needs to be closed with </MvWHILE> instead of </MvIF>. If you don't fix this, you will get an error upon checkout. Again, this bug has been fixed in Merchant 2.25 and 3.x so you only need to make the file correction in Merchant 2.22, 2.23, and 2.24. |
Customer Interface Coupon codes are entered at the checkout screen which also displays the shipping and payment selections. Appropriate error messages are displayed when coupons do not meet the usage criteria established by the store owner. When the shopper enters a coupon code at checkout that is not valid based on the criteria you establish, he/she will see an error message just below the coupon code input when the checkout form is re-displayed after the validation step. Customers are allowed to redeem one coupon per order. Additionally, if customers go back to the basket and remove items which previously qualified them for a coupon, then go to checkout, they will not be able to get past the coupon validation step with a coupon not meeting the pre-established criteria. |
Historical Review A historical database, which can be imported and analyzed in database or spreadsheet software, is maintained on all coupons used. The couponuz.dbf can be FTPd to your PC for further analysis in MS Access, MS Excel, or other data management software. This could be useful in determining which coupons bring you the most activity. |
Coupon Import from Flat File (Merchant version 4.14+) Install the coupimpt.mvc in the domain. It is accessed under admin:stores:utilities:import Upload the flat file containing coupons through admin. Name the flat file
coupimpt.dat. It contains the coupon code, expiration date, value,
minimum order amount to qualify, reduce tax, usage once or many or one per
customer, good for which codes, good only for specific codes when
calculating, calculate as flat of percentage, maximum redemption value,
limit to number of uses, instant coupon on product page, zone. For
Coupon Code Generator (coupon module version 4.55 or newer and Merchant version 4.14 or newer) You can generate a unique code and display that code to the customer at runtime. The first step is to create a coupon template. You create it just like you create all other coupon codes except for two fields. The ID must begin with the # character. Then it is followed by a number, e.g. #3 The other field which is different is the date of expiration. Instead of a fixed date in the format YYYYMMDD, you will enter the number of days from the coupon code generation, e.g. 10 You should keep the expiration short to minimize the number of coupons in your system and promote short term redemption. Then, using a module like our Mail Manager, you will include the token to run the coupon generator. As an example, the token %module|couponrd|3% could be inserted in a Mail Manager generated welcome email or its customer confirmation email. Every time that email with token is run, a unique coupon code with parameters matching the template would be created and displayed to the customer. Hence, the #3 template would be used and would have an expiration 10 days from the current date of the email. If you don't have our Mail Manager module for generating HTML formatted emails, you can place the token in the OpenUI token areas. However, you would not want to place the token in a screen that is repeatedly run. Perhaps the invoice screen header would be useful. That said, you may want to invest in our Mail Manager module as its features are similar to other HTML formatting email modules and is much less expensive. An advanced feature in the coupon generator is the ability to prepend a series of characters before the unique coupon code. For example, suppose we want to prepend FLW- to all of the coupon codes generated through our Follow-on Contact module. In the coupon module we could have a template with the ID of #4~FLW- Then in the contact email body we could include the token %module|couponrd|4~FLW-% The required portions of this 3rd parameter are that the parameter begins with a number. The number is followed with the tilde character (~). Then the characters we want prepended to the random, unique code. This would result in a coupon code like FLW-LPQTSMVR The beginning is a constant (FLW-) which is easily tracked in the report module so you can judge effectiveness of specific marketing campaigns. The next eight characters are randomly generated. Keep in mind that this has the ability to automatically generate hundreds or thousands of unique coupon codes so you will probably want to keep your expiration time short. |
Coupon Usage Report (coupon module version 4.60 or newer and Merchant version 4.14 or newer) Install the couponrp.mvc in the domain. Assign it to the store at admin:stores:utilities. You can summarize or list each coupon used for a specific time period. You can also restrict the output to a specific coupon code or a string of characters in a coupon code. This latter is useful when you have assigned a series of coupons to an affiliate or advertising campaign. You can determine how much business was brought in with the coupons from various sources. |
Frequently Asked Questions Q: The prompt to enter the coupon code during checkout is not showing up. A: If you are using the Miva Merchant look and feel, there are edits of the required. Instead of editing the source, using the OpenUI Look and Feel is preferred. Q: After the customer enters the coupon code, the discount is not applied to the order. A: Make sure that the cim_coup (CIM Coupon Extension Module) is "assigned" to the store under the store's System Extension Configuration screen. Q: I installed the compiled version of the coupon module and now there is a promotion code prompt showing on the individual product screens. I only want to redeem coupons during checkout so how do I get rid of the input on the product screen? A: If you do not want to use the instant (promotion) coupons on the product screen, remove the admin input for Instant Coupon Prompt. Q: I am using template screens in the compiled version of Merchant during checkout. How do I incorporate the coupon prompts since the OpenUI hook points are not on those template screens? A: In the OpenDesigner (and other page template systems) you can use OpenUI module tokens in the format %module|couponrd|x15_20% instead of hook points at 15_20 and 14_31. So on the OSEL screen, you would use %module|couponrd|x15_20% and then on the OPAY screen, you would use %module|couponrd|x14_31%. On both screens, the token has to be within the form for those pages, probably just above the Continue button input. Also, if you want the instant coupon prompt (promotion code) on the product pages with Merchant versions 4.14-4.2x, use the token %module|couponrd|x17_18%. Q: In the Order Fulfillment Configuration:Coupon Redemption (Coupons) there is a Go To: text area. What is that for? A: It is so you can skip to the coupon you are looking for without having to click screen after screen. If you have a coupon code of XYZ, then you would enter XYZ in the input and click update. Q: I have installed Google Checkout module in my store and I don't know how to configure it to use coupons. A: If you are using my coupon module version 4.81 or newer, you can add it as an "extension" to the Google Checkout module. Adding extensions is covered in the instructions that come with the Google Checkout module. The module code to use is couponrd. If you are using coupon module version 4.80 or older, you will need to update the coupon module through the store you got the original from. Still have a question? |