Auction Contact
Copyright © 2001, William Weiland
The purpose of this module is to facilitate winning bid notification from your Merchant admin interface. Within the email body there are congratulatory comments and default links which can be changed. One of those links will insert the winning item directly into the Merchant basket even if the item is not in your products database if you have also installed the External Products Purchase module.
Initial Setup
Use the Merchant admin upload feature to upload the module. Once uploaded, click the Add button to add it to the mall/domain.

In admin, under your store, click on the link for Utilities Configuration Screen. Assign the module and Update it to install it in your store.

Click the link for Auction Contact to enter the configuration settings.

Configuration Settings
Enter data into the applicable input fields.

Email From
By default, this will be your store's email address. However, for auction email you may have a different address. Change it if necessary.

This will probably relate to the Internet auction site your store uses, e.g. eBay.

Letter Body
The default email body is designed for use with eBay (eBay is Trademark of eBay Inc). You can change the links and verbage within admin for the body of the email template. Several variables are standardized in this email and are surrounded by % characters. For this reason you cannot use the % character in the body of the email except for around the variables, eg. %item_code%