Image Checker
Copyright © 1999, William Weiland
Image checker will read each of your product records, then check to see if the referenced thumbnail and full size image are available on your server in the virtual path. It only finds images which are in the products database fields as a virtual path. If the full URL is in the thumbnail or image fields, image checker will report the image as missing.
Initial Setup
1) Although this is a utility module, its function dictates that it run in the same directory as Hence, you cannot use the normal Miva Merchant file upload feature. Rather, you will FTP the file to the server. When you FTP the module to the server, put it in the Merchant root directory. Then, in the Add Module input in admin, just put the file name with no additional path information. Then click Add to add it to the domain/mall.
2) Click the image to the left of your store name
3) Click on the Utilities link
4) Check the box to the left of Image Checker and select Update

1) Click the image to the left of the Store Utilities link
2) Click the link to Image Checker
3) Click on the Check Images