Export Product Fields and Multiple Category Codes to Flat File
Copyright © 2000, William Weiland
This module will export a flat file with your products. The flat file will be located in your store's data directory. That is the same directory that your products.dbf and products.dbt are in. This module will not include uncategorized products in the flat file. If a product is in more than one category, there will be another line for the same product, with the additional category code at the end of the line. When importing from this flat file back into Merchant, you can use the standard Miva Corp prodimpt.mv file.
1) In admin, click Add Modules
2) Click the file upload button
3) Browse to find the file on your hard drive and upload
4) Click Add to add it to the domain

1) In admin, click on Stores
2) Click the image to the left of your store name
3) Click the image to the left of Utilities under your store
4) Click the image to the left of Export Data
5) Click on the link to this module
6) Choose a file name to export to